Felt Roof Services Covering Plymouth, Devon & Cornwall

Here at Plymouth Roofing Solutions offer a variety of flat roofing products ranging from a single plywood roof covering to a three-layer mineral system, along with a wide range of insulation board products for flats roofs staring at 50mm thick all the way up to 200mm to provide the necessary insulation barrier you require.

Using a three-layer system is the most cost effective solution, however the single plywood method is usually preferred. With all our flat roofs depending on the roof design installed we do provide a written guarantee on completion of the works starting from a10-year guarantee leading up to a 20-year guarantee dependent on the installation design you have chosen and the use it is for.

Felt Roofs
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A typical three layer mineral system:

The Colour choices we offer:

Lead work and drip-beaded edges are used to complete all our flats roofs as required and necessary. If you decide you want to ensure a longer life for your flat roof then we can use thicker layers of felt and upgraded materials especially if you are requiring our 20-year guarantee. Another option and quite popular is to install a two layer felt system and cover over with a reflective solar paint to produce the third layer.

Whether you have a balcony, porch or garage flat roof in need of some TLC, or maybe it’s a refurbishment or a new build project, here at Plymouth Roofing Solutions can provide you with help, advice and a no obligation free quotation with inspection. On request we will make an appointment with you and pop out to survey your roof and recommend the correct solution available to renew or repair your roof. From GRP being liquid plastic fibreglass systems, metal sheet cladding to the more traditional felt and single plywood systems, we will chat to you, find out your needs and situation then advise you of the best most cost effective solution to suit your requirements and budget while staying within the current building regulations for any upgrading you may require for your roof.

We can also help you with other topics you maybe thinking about such as the renewal of fascia boards, rainwater goods, defective lead work flashings, valleys or capping over walls, we can even advise on the installation of roof lighting and bird control deterrents.

The positives of a felt roof:

The negatives of a felt roof:

Old pour and roll

Felt roofing material is not a new product on the market, its been around for a long time and due to this has built up a bad reputation with many folks, that perception now is out of date thinking and I will explain why.

A lot of people still think in the dark ages associating a felt roof with the pour & roll old felt system. This system was a number of bitumen felts that were quite thin and were glued together with a hot bitumen liquid applied to each layer turn. The system was not overly strong and had minimum reinforcing internally, some actually contained natural hessian fibres that rot out easily. It would crack in the sun and as it got older drying out cracks again would appear. Because it was so thin It was named tar paper or felt paper. Life expectancy was approximately 10 years.

Modern Day torch on felt

This system is applied as it pretty much says on the tin. It’s a torch on felt proven to be very reliable. It should not be confused or associated whatsoever with the much older pour & roll system. Due to modern technology be made in the bitumen market with SBS & APP providing an improved UV resistance from cracking and damage the felt system has come along in leaps and bounds.

Torch on felt is manufactured into a roll and is laid and applied to the new roof surface using a propane gas blowtorch to heat up and melt the back of the felt melting the bitumen so as it sticks to the new surface its being applied to. It is usually applied as a 3-layer system being a breathable underlay that is perforated, this is covered over with a 2mm cap sheet layer and a final mineral felt layer from 4mm to 5mm producing a high quality covering.

So as to keep the joining and the joints of the felt apart as far as possible from one another it is laid in a half lap method. The top final layer usually the thickest can be in a coloured mineral in red, green, grey, brown or purple and is called the cap sheet. As additional protective armour a reflective solar paint can be applied to produce an actual fourth layer if required. All layers are sandwiched containing weaved polyester material in the centre of the felt providing reinforcement and increased strength.

Its life span can vary due to its initial use but most roofing companies will provide you with a 10-year guarantee as in reality it will last 20 even possibly 30 years. Here at Plymouth Roofing Solutions do offer up to a 20-year guarantee dependent on the material used and the manner of use for the roof. So as you can see felt roofing has come a long way since yesteryear.

Some facts regarding a Felt System:

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Please feel free to contact us for further advice

If you are interested in booking a survey for any of our services or just a roof safety check, please contact Plymouth Roofing Solutions on 01752 201077 and a member of our team will be happy to help or advise you.

We will make an appointment and one of our surveyors will come to see you, survey the project, have a chat, and give you some free advice. Our team is dedicated in listening to what you have to say and accommodating your every need. We will advise you on what we think would be best and never recommend doing any more than is required or necessary. We also we attempt a solution that stays within a budget that you may have.

Our professional team of qualified tradesmen carries out their work to the highest standard causing you as minimal disruption as possible to your day-to-day life and always leaves the job clean and tidy on a daily basis. We have public liability insurance of £10 million pounds that can be viewed on request. We have skilled tradesmen in all forms of carpentry, roofing, lead work, and lead welding.